Demystifying Crime Scene Cleanup
Thousands of property owners don’t know that they are basically responsible when a trauma scene has occurred in their property and that they will shoulder the associated costs. The truth is that there are many myths that are normally associated with crime scene cleanup and it is only fair that we separate truth from fiction. Some of the most common myths include the following:
Crime scenes are cleaned by the emergency team: The truth is that when the police and crime scene investigators arrive at the scene of a crime, suicide or homicide, they will basically be interested in collecting evidence alone; they are not trained on crime scene cleanup procedures. In most case, they actually use chemicals and other sprays that further contaminate the scene as they do their work. Once they are done with their investigation, it is crime scene cleanup technicians who can do remediation.
Biohazard cleaning services are paid for by the state: There are many people who believe that the state uses taxpayer’s money to pay for traumatic injury cleanup services; nothing could be further from the truth. The property owner is solely responsible for paying for bio hazard cleaning services. However, there are several insurance policies that can cover the costs of these services; check with your homeowners’ insurance provider whether your policy covers such services and to what extent.
The Death scene clean process is impersonal: Most people and especially those who haven’t had the experience falsely believe that the process of crime scene clean up is impersonal and that in most cases it will increase your trauma. The truth is that crime scene cleanup technicians are highly trained professionals not only in the business of remediating the crime scene; they are also trained to be empathic in their work and sensitive to the people they serve.
Biohazard cleanup only deals with death scene cleanup: The truth is that biohazard cleaning services normally cover such a wide scope of trauma cleanup services. This will include other services such as hoarder’s cleanup, blood cleanup, suicide cleanup, undiscovered death cleanup and accident scene cleanup among others.