Different Kinds of Back Braces for Spine Curvatures

04/02/2016 17:02

Because back braces Houston are used for the treatment of different spinal problems, they are basically available in different kinds. There are at least two types of back braces that are used for the treatment of scoliosis or a curvature of the spine; there are other types of braces that are used to support the lower back, the pelvis or other areas following back surgery or injury.  

There may be cases of scoliosis that may not require any form of treatment but some children suffering from this condition will definitely need to wear a Medicare back brace Houston so as to prevent the problem from escalating. The two types of braces that are used for the treatment of scoliosis are the thoracolumbar sacral orthosis brace (TLSO), also known as the underarm brace and the Milwaukee brace. The main advantage of the TLSO brace is that it may not be noticeable like the Milwaukee brace but it may not handle scoliosis of the upper spine.  

The Milwaukee back brace Houston, which is also known as the full torso brace, has to be worn round the clock. Most people find it a little cumbersome especially because it encases a person’s entire torso from the neck downwards. Milwaukee braces, on the other hand, have their own unique problems such as being worn against the skin where they can feel hot and that they can impair a person’s lung capacity and in other cases, they actually alter the functioning of the kidneys.

There are other Medicare back braces Houston that is worn for the treatment of scoliosis that is just used when the person goes to sleep; the Charleston bending brace is one such example. This is a custom-made back brace Houston that is normally molded to the patient’s body when they are bent in the opposite direction of the curve in their spine. The brace is only worn at night and, as such, it may have the least impact especially in the life of a child. Older persons suffering back pain or those who may have undergone surgery like spinal fusion can wear braces such as the lumbosacral belts that can support their lower backs.