DIY has no Place in Blood Cleanup
Whenever there are issues to deal with blood cleanup, only professional experts should be allowed to deal with such a situation; there are many companies today that deal with such situations such that family members, friends and colleagues should not handle the matter like the practice was several years ago. The technicians in bio hazard cleanup companies are thoroughly trained in the handling of blood borne pathogens in addition to any aftermath of death or severe accidents where blood and other body matter and fluids are found spilled on a property.
There are serious health problems that can occur when untrained and unlicensed people attempt to do blood cleanup in a home or office situation. Due to lack of training and the correct equipment for such cleaning, they can expose themselves and others to serious disease causing pathogens. Some of the most serious diseases that can be spread through blood include HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and staph infections among others; there are many other serious problems that time and space will allow mentioning that are involved in blood cleanup so you are safer letting professional death cleanup crews handle the situation.
Death scene cleanup crews who deal with such situations every day will tell you the a blood spill, no matter how small you might think it is, is a serious bio hazard waiting to happen. This is especially true when violent death, suicide or an unattended death has taken place in a property. The blood and body fluids coming from the body will easily soak into different parts of the home and property and unless it is cleaned by professionals, you will not know how far or deep the spill has gone.
There are many times where people attempt some DIY in blood cleaning but they don’t manage to do a thorough cleaning. In cases dealing with a dead body, there can be seepage of blood into floor boards that should be removed completely in addition to some parts of the subfloor, cracks in the walls, ceilings and adjacent furniture. A non-professional will only clean what is visible and you will be left with some serious death odor that will not easily go away; DIY has no place in death cleaning.