Everything you always wanted about the night vision goggles!

19/11/2015 22:30

The name night vision goggles itself suggests that it is a device used for vision in night. It is an amazing device which has eradicated darkness and helped many people in seeing in night. It is a pure magic of science which has never failed to amaze us. There are many questions regarding the device in minds of the people. Let’s try and answer few of them. This content may give answers to many of your queries regarding the goggle.

How this device does exactly works?

Let’s understand the working of this device which has been a blessing for our military men, policemen, hunters and other such professionals. The entire working of this device depends upon the image intensifier tube. It is basically a vacuum tube which can convert photons into electrons. The light which enters from the objective lens strikes at a highly charged photo cathode. Photons from this cathode enter into the tube where they get converted into electrons. These electrons further strikes a phosphorus screen where an illuminated image is produced. This image is been focused by the ocular lens and we are able to see in night.

Why this device is always coloured green?

It is an interesting question which must have crossed minds of many. Many researches and studies prove that our human brain can differentiate between maximum shades of green than of any other colour. So green colour device will let you see in the darkest of the environment.   

What are the differences between generations 1 till generation 3 of the device?

It is but obvious that each generation is more advanced than the earlier one. You will get much crispier and clear image in generation three as compare to the generation one. Generation 3 night vision goggles use gallium arsenide photo cathode which gives better clarity resolution and view in darkest environment.

What are thermal imaging night goggles?

These are the goggles which work on the principle that each object emits magnetic radiation or heat. It just picks up that heat to produce image.