Important Things to Consider Before Hiring a Tree Removal Company

07/10/2015 16:45

There are numerous benefits associated with the trees for both human beings and animals. These advantages include fighting the greenhouse effect, offering oxygen, food and wood, air cleaning, streets cooling, saving water, conserving energy, helping to prevent soil erosion and increase business traffic and property values. With all these benefits the trees offer, it is better to prevent tree removal unless it is very important.

You should keep in mind that to live without tree cleanup is also not easy. The most adequate reason for tree removal is the fear of it falling down on living beings. You must also keep in mind that before you do any tree trimming or tree removal you should have a permit for removing it from the concerned authorities.

Following are some of the important things you should keep in mind before tree removal:
• Figure out the health of the tree or if you cannot do it on your own take help from tree expert. If the tree is 50 percent damaged, it should be removed. Even though it may live for years but it would have some abnormal appearance and growth. Those trees that are damaged by insects etc. can recover mostly.
• Check if the trunk of the tree is damaged. High damage to the trunk usually needs tree removal.  However if it is less than 25 percent damaged it may heal with the passing time and may not result in high injury. Tree experts say that if 1/3 of the tree interior is damaged it must be removed.
• Check if the dead branches are present on just one side of the tree. If the dead branches are present on just one side, it should be lopsided. It should be kept in mind that the dead branches that are present on one side the tree may only show a trunk or root damage on the damaged side. In such a case, it must be evaluated by some tree expert.
• Try knowing the tree history. There are certain pruning jobs that may cause some problems at some later stage. Apart from this, another major reason why trees decline is the soil level change over the tree roots. Keep in mind that when three inches or more soil comes over the tree roots, there are high chances that it will die.
• See if there are sprouts coming from the tree base. It may be an indication to sever stress and an indication that there is something not right with the tree. Try seeking help from a tree expert.

The crux is that before you cut a tree, get it evaluated from a tree expert. Get the permit and go ahead with tree service.