The True Cause Of Roof Stains

17/03/2016 17:15

Many homeowners who have to pay the costs associated with roof cleaning don’t know exactly what causes that dark stains on their roofs; in most cases roof stains are caused by the growth of algae as well as a number of molds, lichens or moss. They normally feed on any organic material that is found on the granules that make up roofing shingles and especially those that are based on limestone. The organic matter provides a source of food for these organisms that end up staining your roof; these organisms actually eat up your roof. This is especially true with the portions of your roof that receive the least amount of sunlight since they are more prone to the growth of moss, algae and colonies of lichens. This explains why you may see the stains on only one side of the roof when you are thinking about calling a pressure roof cleaning expert.

Algae are living organisms that survive on dust, pollen and other organic materials that are easily found on the roof and their growth is generally triggered by dampness. This informs the importance of regular roof cleaning in order to eliminate them. In general, stains will be more prominent on the northern or western sides because they are usually more heavily shaded. The alga grows under, behind or on the tiny granules that cover the shingles and they can also harbor molds. The result is that ugly stain and streaks that are clearly visible on the roof. A roof that is covered with algae will absorb heat rather than reflect it causing excess heat on the attic; this causes increased cooling costs in addition to reducing the lifespan of the shingles.

On the other hand, there is thick moss that develops a shallow root system that ensures that your roof material is always damp; the moisture can promote wood rot as well as the erosion of shingles. Normally, moss will start growing from the vertical slots between the shingles while the areas that have asphalt shingles become the last place for water to evaporate from the roof. No pressure roof cleaning is the only way to ensure you get rid of these enemies to your roof.