What is Triphala and How to Lose Weight Using It
18/02/2015 09:37
Triphala is a herbal mixture that is a cleansing body agent. It may be used for liver cleansing, blood cleansing or colon cleansing. The word triphala means “three fruits”, pointing to the three ingredients from which it is made, amalaki, haritaki, and vibhitaki. Those who practice Ayurvedic medicine are well aware
of these herbs. In recent studies, it is also shown that the triphala mixture fight different kinds of cancers as well.

Following are some features of each of these herbal ingredients that make up triphala:
• Amalaki, also known as amla, is full of vitamin C and is good for lungs and respiratory tract. This sour her may be used for soothing stomach inflammations, help in the making of new tissues, and improves the overall immune system.
• Haritaki, also known as harada, provides you with all five tastes including sweet, sour, pungent, salty, and bitter. It is considered to be a good laxative for digestion stimulation.
• Vibhitaki, also known as Terminalia belerica, works as a blood purifier. It can lessen fevers, and cleanses the body from harmful toxins.
How Triphala weight loss works?
With the help of these three herbal ingredients, triphala is capable of detoxifying your body. This is available in the form of herbal mixture or commonly called Triphala rus. It regulates the digestive system by cleansing colon, lessens extra water in the body, and improves bowel movement. This helps clears the body from toxins and allow losing weight easily.
Triphala rus is also good with increasing the high density cholesterol in order to balance it with the bad cholesterols. It is good antioxidant and is helpful in conditions like lipidemia.
How to consume Triphala for losing weight?
Triphala weight loss can be achieved by mixing it with a drink or consume it in the form of pill or capsule. For those who prefer drinking triphala ras, start by taking one teaspoon mixed in a glass of warm water. Stir and drink immediately. Drink at least one glass daily.
However, if you prefer going with a capsule then start gradually with one capsule per day. If you don’t feel any effect on your bowel movement with the above mentioned dose, you can increase triphala dosage slightly. The exact amount of this herbal medicine varies from person to person. Even though this is an herbal medicine, but still consult with your doctor before using this supplement for weight loss.
Other Amazing Triphala Benefits
The triphala herbal mixture has amazing antioxidant properties that are beneficial for the whole body. For instance, it
• Relieves constipation
• Cleans bowels
• Support your nervous system
• Fights against cancer
• Boosts your immune system
• Rejuvenates and nourishes the tissue
• Support your reproductive system
• Prevents sickness
• Fights against disease causing bacteria
The best thing about this herbal triphala supplement is that it doesn’t have any major side effect, thus it may be used by anyone. It is always recommended to discuss your supplements with your doctor if you are taking any other medication just to ensure it doesn’t creates any hindrance in other medicine’s job.